
Prof. (Dr). A. Elayaperumal

Director and Professor
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, CEG, Anna University
M. Tech, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM)

Areas of Interest: Vibration Analysis and Control, Composite Materials and Mechanics, and Designing with Advanced Materials, Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME)and Surface Engineering
Labs established: Tribology Laboratory, Composite Laboratory, Noise, Vibration, Harshness (NVH) Laboratory, and Dynamics Laboratory at Anna University

Vidwan Profile

Dr. Thingujam Jackson Singh

Assistant Professor
Ph.D From NERIST, Nirjuli [characterzition of Natural Fiber based FRP Composites]
M. Tech, Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation.

Areas of Interest: Advanced and non-conventional manufacturing; Characterization of composite materials; Optimization of manufacturing processes using soft computing techniques; Biomass Energy
Specialization: Production and Material Science Engineering; Biomass Energy

Vidwan Profile

Dr. Rosang Pongen

Assistant Professor
Ph.D from NIT Nagaland

Areas of Interest: Material Science, Material Characterization, Optimization, Metal casting, Mechatronics, Automation, Metal forming, and Sustainable Engineering.

Vidwan Profile

Dr. Amit Kumar Singh

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (National Institute of Technology Silchar)
Email: amit.kumar965@yahoo.com, amit.me@nitnagaland.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Design, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Soft computing, Modelling and Simulation.

Vidwan Profile

Dr. Shambhu Kumar Mahato

Assistant Professor
Ph D(NIT DURGAPUR, Department of Mechanical Engineering ), M. Tech(NIT TIRUCHIRAPALLI, Mechanical Engineering Department)
Email: shambhu@nitnagaland.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Thermal and Fluid Power Engineering, Heat Transfer.

Vidwan Profile